# This file is not read but should reference any string that could be translated ToolBox plugin Configuration: Credentials YAML file: IP Ranges YAML file: Navigation: Default page: Navigation bar: Show Credentials in navigation bar: Show Inventory in navigation bar: Show IP Ranges in navigation bar: Show Results in navigation bar: Show Raw YAML navigation: Network task: Base folder to save XML: Network task threads number options: Network task SNMP timeout options: Defaut columns for results list view: ToolBox User Interface: Number of row to display options: Header background color: Language: Supported languages: Logo: Toolbox plugin configuration: Configuration update authorized: YAML configuration file (default YAML file): YAML edition: Raw YAML edition authorization: Inventories: List of tags: Exported archive format: Custom fields YAML file: Show MibSupport in navigation bar: Disable MibSupport in agent: MibSupport YAML file: Session timeout: Other fields to show in dedicated section: Backup YAML: default from CSS: [default]: // Tips Defaults to first page of the options list: Defaults to first language of the supported languages: threads number options separated by pipes,: first value used as default threads: (default=1|5|10|20|40): SNMP timeout options separated by pipes,: first value used as default timeout: (default=1|10|30|60): Base folder may be relative to the agent folder: Numbers separated by pipes,: first value used as default,: 0=no limit: (default=30|0|5|10|20|40|50|100|500): Ordered columns list separated by pipes: (default=name|mac|ip|serial|source|type): list of languages separated by pipes: first language is used as default: (default=en|fr): Tags separated by commas: You can use it to separate inventory files by site: Defaults to 86400 seconds (1 day): List of fields to show in 'Other fields' section with a field definition by line: A line definition should be in the following format: NAME;TEXT;NODE;FILTER: NAME is the simple reference string you may need set in default columns to list configuration: TEXT is the text to show as field name in the sections: NODE is a list of node names separated by commas which should: be the path to the XML node in inventory XML file: FILTER can be set to select a node when the NODE match on a node list: In that case, FILTER could be a test like KEY=VALUE where KEY is another value name of the nodes: and VALUE the expected value and it is interpreted as a perl regex: NODE can match on any kind of XML: NODE path is expect to be under the first 'REQUEST' node: As examples, 'DEVICEID' and 'CONTENT,VERSIONCLIENT' are valid paths: