# This file is not read but should reference any string that could be translated ERROR: New IP range: No ip range provided name: An entry still exists with that name: Start ip is mandatory: Wrong start ip format: End ip is mandatory: Wrong end ip format: Can't create entry without name: IP range credential adding: Invalid credential: Not existing credential: No credential selected: Deleting IP range: No credentials: IP range credential removing: IP range update: No IP range selected: No such IP range: A network scan is still running for an IP on that range: A network scan is still running for that IP range: No such credentials: Missing version on credentials: Missing username on credentials: A local inventory is still running: Unsupported IP range: New credential: SNMP version is mandatory: Wrong SNMP version: Community is mandatory with version: Username is mandatory with SNMP v3: Credential update: Deleting results: No result selected: Can't remove file: Can't prepare archive: New MIBSupport alias: Update MIBSupport alias: Wrong alias format: No OID provided: Can't match to a full numeric OID: Can't update entry without alias name: Deleting MIBSupport entries: No entry selected: New MIBSupport rule: Wrong rule name format: Rule type is missing: No value provided: Update MIBSupport rule: Update MIBSupport ruleset: No rule selected: Not existing rule: New MIBSupport sysobjectid: Update MIBSupport sysobjectid: New MIBSupport match: Update MIBSupport match: Update ruleset: Remove ruleset: