# This file is not read but should reference any string that could be translated Field name: Device name or IP: SerialNumber: OS Name: Location: Manufacturer: Model: Type: UUID: Source: IP: IPs: MAC: Contact: SNMP Credential: IP Range: Networking: Networking scan datas: IPs seen by Network Scan: Network Scan Inventory count: Local Inventory count: Number of devices seen by network scan compared to all known IPs: A seen device is identified by its IPs and tag: A local inventory can be included as seen if its IP has been scanned by a network scan task: Number of Network Inventory other all scanned IPs: Number of local inventory other all scanned IPs: NETWORKING: Networking PRINTER: Printer STORAGE: Storage COMPUTER: Computer Local: Local inventory NetDiscovery: Netscan discovery NetInventory: Netscan inventory Edition: Edited inventory Other fields: Custom fields YAML file: Custom fields: Download results: Download full scan datas: Filter results by tag: Go to next device after deletion: Results will be filtered by tag if set: No filtering by tag will be applied: Scan again: Scan this device: See %s task: Select fields for propagation: Save the selection: Apply selected fields: Fields selected for propagation: Fields can't be propagated on this device type: Stop fields propagation: